Getting rid of Host Gator's custom error pages

I don’t particularly like HostGator as a company… Considering the inane 404 page they default your website to… But to remove that ad crap…

1. Download the .htaccess file from the root of your server…

2. Add the following lines (where /403.shtml can be any webpage you want to show for the specified error)
ErrorDocument 403 /403.shtml
ErrorDocument 404 /404.shtml
ErrorDocument 500 /500.shtml

3. Upload and overwrite .htaccess

Don’t know why they don’t have a cpanel solution, but…

Btw, it took me about a week to transfer my domain names from to… Looks like I won’t be going back to 1and1 for anything… That’s just ridiculous to ack a request for transfer. On a side note, hover is pretty nice if you’re looking for domain name hosting.

No need to call me back IT guy. Google > my IT guy.

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