Pass in properties to a Flex ItemRenderer

If you need to pass in some values to an item renderer, you can use the following util.

 package utils {  
import mx.core.ClassFactory;
import mx.core.IFactory;
public class ItemRendererUtil {
public static function createWithProperties(renderer:Class, properties:Object):IFactory {
var factory:ClassFactory = new ClassFactory(renderer); = properties;
return factory;

And how to use on your datagroup / list…

  <s:DataGroup dataProvider=“{new ArrayCollection(data as Array)}” itemRenderer=“{ItemRendererUtil.createWithProperties(renderers.ShuttleBoxRenderer, {stageLevel: stageLevel})}”>  

And how to handle incoming value in your ItemRenderer…

<fx:Number id=“stageLevel”/>

Can someone share this with the prosigner, so he stops swearing?

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